Plan a Visit

Anyone is welcome to join us at our 10:00 am Sunday services.

Here is some other information that might be helpful if are visiting physically for the first time.

Where can I find you & where can I park

St Matthew’s church main entrance is on Portman Road, just up from the Ipswich Town football club – the church postcode is IP1 2AX. There is pedestrian access from Civic Drive, just opposite the New Wolsey Theatre.

Ample parking is available in the adjacent St Matthews School (through the blue gates, up the slope) or on near-by streets, and bikes can be locked to the railings to the right of the main entrance.

What happens when I arrive?

If you are visiting us for the first time, there will always be someone at the door to welcome you and guide you to a seat or answer any questions.

Wheelchair Access?

We have no pews and the church is completely flat so if you come in a wheelchair we can make room wherever you would like to sit. There is an accessible toilet and baby changing room.

How long is the service?

Our 10.00 am service generally finishes around 11.20, and afterwards you are welcome to stay and enjoy refreshments with us (though not at present due to Covid restrictions). 

Is there a dress code

No. Wear what you like.

What about my children?

We believe that children and young people are a crucial element of our community; they are at the heart of all we do. From babies all the way up to teenagers, we create tailor-made environments, crafted around the requirements of each age-group. It’s a chance to hang out with others their age, make friends and run through an age-specific programme. 

Each Sunday (except 4th Sunday of the month) there are children’s activities for years R-12 led by our led by our children’s team who all have DBS (safeguarding) checks.

Have a look at our children and young people page for more details.

Will I have to say anything, sign anything or be singled out in any way?

You won’t be put on the spot.

  • You won’t have to wear a name badge or be singled out in any way.
  • You don’t even have to sing along if you don’t feel comfortable.
  • You’re not expected to give when we take the offering (collection).

Is there an offering?

Yes, but if you are a visitor you are not expected to contribute. The offering (or collection) is for the work of the church and that’s our responsibility. Many church members give directly through standing order. Don’t be embarrassed to pass the collection plate without putting anything in.

What is Communion?

Communion usually happens during the main service (except on the second Sunday of the month).  It is the eating and drinking of bread and wine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross. We share alcoholic wine and bread for communion, but if you would prefer gluten free bread or non-alcoholic wine please tell the person serving you. If you do not want to take communion you are welcome to go forward for a blessing or just relax in your seat for this part of the service.  

Aside from Sunday services, what else goes on?


There’s a mid-week communion service – Tuesdays at 10.30am.

We regularly run Alpha or Start! courses for people to explore the Christian faith.
We run regular groups for pre-schoolers and a youth group for high school children.
There are also various social groups for ladies, men, and for seniors.

Take a look at the What’s On section to find more up coming events.