St Matthew’s Church history

According to its Historic England web page, St. Matthew’s Church was first recorded in the 12th century, but with much of the work to create it carried out in the 14th and 15th centuries. It was then enlarged in phases in the 19th century during its time as the garrison church for the Ipswich barracks. It is fascinating to think that worship has been celebrated on the St. Matthew’s Church site for the past 900 years or so.

The church has a number of historic features, including a late medieval (16th century) font depicting the story of Mary the mother of Jesus and Jesus’ baptism, and painted panels from a 16th century rood screen depicting bishops and laity.

More detailed accounts of the history and significant features of the church can be found on the Suffolk Churches site and Historic England’s website. Details of the war memorials in the church can be found on the Ipswich War Memorial site.

The church today continues to be adapted to the needs of the contemporary community – for worship services each Sunday and during the week, and events to serve the local community.