Groups for young people

Groups for children in years 6-13.

St Matt’s Youth is restarting again from Sunday 26 Sept see the post for more details.

Our pre-covid activities are described below to give you a feel for things.


If you visit us on a Sunday, you’ll find two youth groups running over the road from the church in the Fletcher Centre.

BUILD – Build is the youth group for young people in years 6-8. It’s a space to have fun, build friendships and engage with content based on the Bible that explores what faith looks like in everyday life.

ROOTS – Roots is the youth group for young people in years 9 – 13. Here we have a laugh, share life together and ask the question: ‘What difference does faith make to my everyday experiences?’


This older group also meets on Sunday evenings to take friendships and faith to the next level. Follow our Instagram Page, stmatts_roots to connect with us and find out more about how you can get involved.


Follow: stmatts_roots

Head straight across the road from the church on a Sunday and we’ll be waiting for you with pastries and a seat saved just for you!